php /** * Core header file, invoked by the get_header() function * * @package Suffusion * @subpackage Templates */ global $suffusion_unified_options, $suffusion_interactive_text_fields, $suffusion_translatable_fields, $suffusion_skin_dependence, $suf_color_scheme; if (function_exists('icl_t')) { foreach ($suffusion_unified_options as $id => $value) { /** * Some strings are set interactively in the admin screens of Suffusion. If you have WPML installed, then there may be translations of such strings. * This code ensures that such translations are picked up, then the unified options array is rewritten so that subsequent calls can pick it up. */ if (function_exists('icl_t') && in_array($id, $suffusion_translatable_fields) && isset($suffusion_interactive_text_fields[$id])) { $value = wpml_t('suffusion-interactive', $suffusion_interactive_text_fields[$id]."|".$id, $value); } global $$id; $$id = $value; $suffusion_unified_options[$id] = $value; } } ?> 1993 DCA Field Trial Merit Awards – The Dachshund History Project

1993 DCA Field Trial Merit Awards

Call Name Registered Name Points Placements
1 Heidi FC Heidi C of Rocky Knolls
2 Liza FC Stoney Banks Pretty Baby L
3 Bandit FC Bobkat’s Masked Bandit
4 Liesel FC Liesel Bettina von Kinder
5 Fergie DC Boondox Fergusson von Strauss
6 Toad FC Sadsack The Cupid Clone MW
7 Ilsa FC Ilsa v Dorndorf L
8 Ingrid FC Ingrid von dem Jaegerheim
9 Commander FC D’Kreiger Commander Powell W
10 Anne FC Annalise von dem Jaegerheim