Miniature Smooths from Rose Farm
In the 1970’s, Dee Hutchinson started a new line of Miniature smooths beginning with a nice producer, CH Rose Farm’s Steamboat Willy MS who was a CH MDPH Demonstration M ROM son out of a Rose Farm-bred Miniature bitch which came down from the Ardencaple line. Willy was a big winner in the Show Ring and he was a strong sire, producing better than he was himself . He sired several puppies better than he was in the ring and as a producer. What he had was a beautiful outline from the side with a prominent forechest and a nice level topline and a short-hocked rear and he just always managed to look like a nice Dachshund in the show ring or at home.
His top producing son was CH Ruckengrat Stanly Steamer MS who was sired by Willy and out of a Glamorgan-bred bitch. Bred by Nancy Upton, he finished quickly and soon had a nice bunch of puppies in the show ring. These dogs were long and low, with level toplines and pretty nice fronts and a nice rear with the short hocks that we should all still strive to attain. Still missing was a nicely placed neck on a nice body, but that comes in the next generation and brings the level of quality up a lot further in this Variety.
Next in line was the third in Rose Farm’s Three Amigos and it was the red, CH Rose Farm’s Timothy MS ROM (who got his name for having the cutest ass since Timothy Bottoms which is a tidbit for all of us oldsters still reading this site). Timothy was a very nice one to show and he quickly became the best of the three Mini Smooths that Dee had at about the same time. He produced several big winners, including an All-Breed Best In Show winner, CH Double (SS) My Kind of Town MS, and qualified for an ROM. He was sired by Stanly Steamer, a Willy son, and was out of a Willy daughter, who also was bred by Nancy Upton, so he was even more a dog that was based on the best of the Rose Farm Miniature dogs and was the logical outcome of Dee’s breeding. He had a great outline, nice front and rear and a neck that was really set well on the body. This dog was very photogenic and demanded to take control of whatever ground he stood on. This one was a very nice one and really moved the Miniature smooth Variety along.
Next came the bitch, CH Rose Farm’s Talk of the Town MS, a Stanly Steamer (a Steamboat Willy son) daughter and out of a Rose Farm bred bitch also sired by Steamboat Willy which made her a double grand-daughter of Steamboat Willy who was purchased by Shirley Silagi when she lived in Texas. She was a very pretty little girl and finished at a young age, but when bred to CH Rose Farm’s Timothy MS ROM, she produced the All Breed BIS winner, CH Double (SS) My Kind of Town MS who was a Top Special during the ’80’s and again was a great dog who made a huge mark in the show ring for owner, Shirley Silagi. My-T was a very nice dog who was shown and loved by his owner, Shirley Silagi of Texas and, later, Indiana.
Next was, perhaps, the prettiest bitch I have seen as a Miniature until very recently and that was the incomparable CH Rose Farm’s Elsie MS, another daughter of Steamboat Willy and out of a CH MDPH Demonstation M ROM daughter, bred by Bobby Fowler. The first time I saw her was at the 1980 DCA in Denver where she was in the Open Miniature bitch class and, when she got second, Dee’s hand went up and the whole class was protested! (Dee REALLY wanted to win that class) They all measured in, but I, for one, never forgot how beautiful Elsie was in that class. Elsie was so full of herself and just made Elsie look even better than she was. She had a great outline with a beautiful forechest and a nice rear and she soon was purchased by Robert Hausloner and shown by Bobby Barlow one of the greatest East Coast handlers. Elsie always looked better than she actually was and had the presence to hold herself to show off that correct Dachshund outline that all Miniature (and Standard!!) breeders should have at the end of their lead.
As a producer, she produced several very nice Miniatures who attained their Championships at a very young age, but none of them became the Top Producer that Elsie was herself.
Then came CH Rose Farms Nigges MS who was a full sister to CH Rose Farms Elsa MS, both sired by CH Rose Farms Timothy MS and out of a Demo MS ROM daughter who was out of Sundachs/Timbar/Dunkeldorf breed-down bitch. Again, she was another outstanding one who finished very quickly, owned by MS Bynum and RJ Rice and shown by Lori Wilson who was the granddaughter of one of the co-owners. After finishing she produced many Champions including CH Cindy-ke’s Bo Jangles another who finished at a young age with lots of big wins.
Next was CH Rose Farm’s Rusty Nail MS, a dog linebred on many of Shirley Silagi’s Rose Farms-bred dogs and he was RWD at DCA 1977, shown by Carlos Puig for owner Dee Hutchinson. He was a nice little dog with much to offer the size and was used a little, but not a whole lot. Looking at his picture, one can see the pretty outline he had with the many good qualities that Dee added to the Smooth Miniature variety.
Then came CH Rose Farm’s Bold Black and Beautiful MS who was shown by Dee Hutchinson winning BW and WB at the DCA 2003 held in Syracuse, NY. She was an outstanding one and was quite a standout in that DCA competition. She came along at the end of Dee’s career in Miniature smooths and was not used much in breeding, but, again, had many highlights that Dee got into the Mini smooth Variety.
One of Dee’s last champions was CH Rose Farm’s Moving On Out MS, sold to Joan Musil from Minnesota, where she quickly finished her Grand Championship shown by the owner and started them out on a breeding career when she produced two champions. This photo was from 2010 and shows her great start as a special in the Midwest and shows the qualities that Dee incorporated into the variety and that the qualities are here to stay.
As you can see, Dee Hutchinson started this line up with three generations of some nice male producers and wound up in the 1980s with CH Rose Farms Timothy MS ROMX who sired many of the next wave of winning Miniatures for Rose Farm and, more importantly, all three of these top sires were used to produce many of the Miniature Wires that Dee used in producing her strain of Miniatures Wires and Smooths in the early ’80s and to the present day. Dee always had her eye on the things she wanted in her Dachshunds: nice length of neck, pretty withers, nice forechest, level topline, short hocks and nice undercarriage. In breeding this line, she got all those choices in this Smooth line. Once she had these qualities produced and had three good sires that produced them, they were there for her to use in the Miniature Smooth and Wire Varieties and use them she sure did.
Written by Dan Harrison, February 2015
Photos provided by Sandy Hutchinson Gray from the Rose Farm collection, Joan Musil and some magazines from TDHP collection.