php /** * Core header file, invoked by the get_header() function * * @package Suffusion * @subpackage Templates */ global $suffusion_unified_options, $suffusion_interactive_text_fields, $suffusion_translatable_fields, $suffusion_skin_dependence, $suf_color_scheme; if (function_exists('icl_t')) { foreach ($suffusion_unified_options as $id => $value) { /** * Some strings are set interactively in the admin screens of Suffusion. If you have WPML installed, then there may be translations of such strings. * This code ensures that such translations are picked up, then the unified options array is rewritten so that subsequent calls can pick it up. */ if (function_exists('icl_t') && in_array($id, $suffusion_translatable_fields) && isset($suffusion_interactive_text_fields[$id])) { $value = wpml_t('suffusion-interactive', $suffusion_interactive_text_fields[$id]."|".$id, $value); } global $$id; $$id = $value; $suffusion_unified_options[$id] = $value; } } ?> Dee Hutchinson and her Rose Farm’s Dachshunds and Judging the Breed – The Dachshund History Project
Feb 232024

I have been sort of fixing up all the posts on the TDHP website and ended up consolidating on one page all of the posts about Dee Hutchinson and her dogs as well as her concept of judging them. I always speak highly of Dee and, even to this day, I miss talking with her and being a great friend, In my mind, Dee was the best breeder and a very great Dog Judge (and she KNEW it!).

Although she passed away in 2010, I still miss her a lot.


Dee Hutchinson

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