php /** * Core header file, invoked by the get_header() function * * @package Suffusion * @subpackage Templates */ global $suffusion_unified_options, $suffusion_interactive_text_fields, $suffusion_translatable_fields, $suffusion_skin_dependence, $suf_color_scheme; if (function_exists('icl_t')) { foreach ($suffusion_unified_options as $id => $value) { /** * Some strings are set interactively in the admin screens of Suffusion. If you have WPML installed, then there may be translations of such strings. * This code ensures that such translations are picked up, then the unified options array is rewritten so that subsequent calls can pick it up. */ if (function_exists('icl_t') && in_array($id, $suffusion_translatable_fields) && isset($suffusion_interactive_text_fields[$id])) { $value = wpml_t('suffusion-interactive', $suffusion_interactive_text_fields[$id]."|".$id, $value); } global $$id; $$id = $value; $suffusion_unified_options[$id] = $value; } } ?> “Face” and “Big Boy” had ‘lively and ‘sentimental’ thirteenth written by Peggy Westphal 1971 – The Dachshund History Project

“Face” and “Big Boy” had ‘lively and ‘sentimental’ thirteenth written by Peggy Westphal 1971


Two nice old dogs had a swinging birthday party at Von Westphalen. Really swinging-but perhaps the human celebrants even more so!

The whimsical invitation in The American Dachshund “grow’d like Topsy”-from whimsy it became a fait  accompli with 25 adults and a largely indeterminate number of children’ Joining the fun were non-doggy suburban matrons, picking up their kids late afternoon. (Our pool becomes an ice rink in winter.)  First disbelieving, how could they resist?

“Big Boy” and “Face” as old-timers (if you are honest you will face up to it) know, were sired by CH Albion’s Own Forester ex Kleetal’s Electra. The litter was very sickly at birth, and their dam refused to do anything about them. Hindsight, when they developed cataracts, showed them to have hepatitis at a very tender age. Four of the eight pups survived the battle headed by Dr. Harry Steinbeck (now dean and quite a fellow in his own right). “Big Boy” and “Face” were exceedingly unpromising, and had to be retained due to their milky -blue orbs    .

On the day of their 13th birthday, my twin and I went down to the basement for  -in the murk and leaks we found a lot and lugged it all up to feature at the party. There are pictures-“Face” Lorraine Heichel and George Plummer (WB, Great Lakes Specialty in 1960). One of Ramona, “Big Boy” and Frank Hardy. ( “Big Boy” hated cameras and his show stance shows it.)

Then, what really amused us (how times have changed!) were letters from Dave and Ray Thomas who headed the Pin Committee. Tongue-in-cheek, I quote , “Once again it is our disagreeable task to extend compliments on Phalarope’s (ugh) recent accession to her title.” And the letter on Raven Wing, “And, in bargain the club throws in the gold pin to commemorate yet another in the wearisome procession of Von Westphalen champions.” Dave and Ray, the dog world needs your levity-and we missed  you at the party. We still have plenty of other letters for blackmail!

Both dogs had interesting show careers. They started as a pair in the Midwest under Percy Roberts-who promptly gave “Face” the Variety , “Big Boy” BOS, over the reigning Midwestern champions. Raven Wing finished handily; his singles attained with Lorraine Heichel, his majors (two five-pointers) with Frank Hardy. He was a stubborn rather unwilling dog who mellowed a great deal with age. “Face” was a cheerful slob in the ring, always on a diet, and her quest for a title extended far too long. I think it was because of her profuse markings. Her tan dots over her eyes were like headlights, her tan muzzle stopped just a shade under her eyes, giving her a foxy look. I recall with humiliation Mr. Horswell looking INSIDE her ears to see how far the yellow went! Her generous  markings responsible for her name-the phalarope is the only bird where the female has the more flamboyant plumage.

The guests of honor at the party acquitted themselves gracefully and WITHOUT dignity. They deserved a steak, tartare cake (three tiers held together with Milk-Bones) donated by Blackie Nygood , who is known for her gourmet cooking-canine or human. They wore darling Tyrolean crocheted , handmade by Gerda Statsmann,  and Dee Hutchinson honored them with the biggest, freshest knuckle bones imaginable (from a prehistoric cow!)? Mary Castoral supplied the toasting “bubbly”.  A baker’s battle between Harvey Statsmann and Jimmy Grindler (Blackie’s son) resulted in two confections defying caloric counting.

Cards came from all over. Many from strangers who had descendants of the two and listed them. They weren’t strangers after that anymore. We received pictures of “Big Boy’s” kids-many of them as white as he is now. ( I think there are ten now, with Jiridox Sugar and Joe Knighton’s dog the last to be in the rings.)Thanks to all of you “out there” for thinking of this remarkable pair.

The party was very lively. Gala, And also .

We’ll have another on their fifteenth!

The End