“Laddland Legacy” from Lexa Richmond
Here is a post from Lexa Richmond about Kaye Ladd and the treasure she created breeding Laddland Dachshunds. Great job by Lexa and more information than we all need to know (because we all want to know more and more about breeding the best Dachshunds. Read all about the Laddland legacy right here:
“Laddland Legacy” Composed by Lexa Richmond – The Dachshund History Project
More talk about Standard Smooths
Here is Volume II of the talk about how and why the Dachshund has changed in the USA since WW II.
Read it and let me hear from you.
Talking about Standard Smooths
Here is the first volume looking at how great and how bad the Standard Smooths had it since WWII ended. Personally, I think they did a great job. Here is my discussion of the good and the bad that happened. This volume pays tribute to the hard workers who did all this work and that means the Van Courts, the Heyings, the Shultis, the Hirschmans, the Dorwards and the buyers like the Wheelers, the Moffetts and Janet Wayack among many others. I hope I have made it interesting to read. Next volume includes the Dunks and the Wayacks and Peggy Westphal. I have to say it was fascinating to write, so I hope some other breeders like it too. Let me know.
My ‘Indian Kennel Gazette’ Interview
I am sort of busy writing, but I thought that many people have not read my interview with the ‘Indian Kennel Gazette’. I am publishing it in our website and here is the link to find it. The site is perfectly safe to visit and feel free to go there and visit and look around.
My Interview with the “Indian Kennel Gazette” – The Dachshund History Project
Judging the Dachshund Revisited 9/19/2024
I was reading a few of my articles and thought there were some thoughts to be added. I read my Judging the Dachshund article, got out my thinking cap and added a little bit of information. I liked it a little betterer so what do you think?
Judging the Dachshund by Dan Harrison – The Dachshund History Project (dachshundhistoryonline.com)
Judging in Virginia
I recently came back from a Judging Assignment in Richmond Virginia. I wrote a critique as the Club asked me to and I am printing it here
A VERY Hot Day in Richmond, Virginia – The Dachshund History Project (dachshundhistoryonline.com)
Albert ‘Kippy’ Van Court- A Loss to the Whole Dog Fancy
At one point, back in the ’40s, ’50s and ’60s, many Dachshund greats worked for the American Kennel Club and were vitally important to the organization. One of the last greats was Albert “Kippy” Van Court who passed away in early 1970 and was a sterling breeder and exhibitor of his White Gables dogs until the death of his first wife, Miriam. When Miriam passed, they were starting out a new young Dachshund, CH White Gables Basil ROMX, who was very valuable to breed to when the Heyings , the Shultis’ and the Dorwards were really moving the quality along in the late 40s and ’50s. Mr Van Court was a gentleman and a true expert on what a Dachshund had to have to be a great one. Later, after marrying Ramona, he became a strong fixture in exhibiting the best as well. He truly set the tone of what a Dachshund exhibitor can do to always be vital to the cause.
Later, during his second marriage to Ramona, he and she became the head of the Kennel Club of Beverly Hills and made it one of the great stops on the West Coast. After that, Mr Van Court became an AKC Delegate and later an AKC Director as well when his great personality gave him much sway in the AKC itself. He was quite a gentleman and was a pleasure for anyone to know. He truly set the tone of how popular he was at Dog Shows all over the world.
Soon after, while a member of the Westminster KC , he took over the Show Committee and got the Westminster KC Show to be the best in the USA. He was literally quite an amazing man. Sadly, then he passed away and everyone realized what a great guy who got along with everyone could be in the dog game. His loss sort of shattered the Dachshund Fancy, the Beverly Hills KC, the Westminster KGC and the American Kennel Club.
Sanford Roberts, publisher of The American Dachshund, asked a few people to comment on Mr Van Court’s passing and so I have included that here to show just what effect it was to lose this affable gentleman. He was a great one in my opinion and so read here what others thought about the loss of such a great successful gentleman.
This was Kippy Van Court – The Dachshund History Project (dachshundhistoryonline.com)
Peggy Westphal gives party for a couple of old, prepotent Champions
Pegggy Westphal gave a party for CH Phalarope v Westphalen and CH Kleetal’s Raven Wing ROM, littermates form her first litter. She discusses much about the dog and how much she loved this pair. I found it very interesting and hope yo all do, too.
A True Dachshund Expert-Woodie Dorward
This gentleman spent his life in the Dachshund Breed and he was an expert since the early 1950s. He was a great Breeder and Handler and so started showing some great ones in the Breed in California. Woodie soon became one of the most successful Professionals and showed his knowledge all the way into the 1980s. He still knew what great Dachshunds had to have and always kept that in mind. He was a great Dachshund man and he wrote this article in 1959 so please read about his take on handling Dachshunds right here.